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Friday, October 16, 2015

What motivates your employees?

While reading the most recent issue of Quirks Magazine, I came across the article of “Job satisfaction, focus on research steady.” It discussed job satisfaction within the research industry. According to the annual corporate researcher salary survey, job satisfaction data for the research industry is similar when compared to years 2013 and 2014. In 2015, data shows that 21 percent of respondents are very satisfied with their current job, 34 percent are satisfied, and 20 percent are somewhat satisfied. An improving economy and salary increases may have contributed to the high levels of satisfaction; however, it’s not the sole factor. The survey found that those who were very dissatisfied with their job also reported making the second-highest average salary of $131,000. As a side, one commentator offered a suggestion for all businessmen and businesswomen: “knowing what you are worth can be powerful leverage during raise negotiations.” Presenting survey data from research studies on compensation can help serve as an aid when discussing salary.

Employee satisfaction is a culmination of numerous factors. It can be affected by compensation, bonuses, non-monetary benefits, company culture, opportunities for advancement, etc. When asked what benefits accompany a positive company culture, one respondent in the research industry said “weekly on-site massage therapist, weekly on-site counselor, sick rooms, a gym….” Another respondent asked for intangible benefits, such as dogs at work and workplace flexibility. While all companies may not be able to physically or financially achieve those exact benefits, it’s important to listen and to respond to employees’ needs that are practical and feasible. When you feel like your voice is heard, you feel more valued, thus strengthening your commitment to the organization.

Now, let’s say you’re not in the research industry. How do you know if your employees are satisfied with their current job, as well as the company as a whole? What do you look for? What, not to mention how, do you ask? How do you know if they’ll provide you with honest feedback? By having a clear understanding of employee perceptions, it offers you opportunities for performance improvement and new business idea generation. An employee perception survey helps you identify what motivates and constrains your employees, as well as the overall health of your organization. It provides employees with an avenue to contribute detailed, unfiltered feedback to a third-party, giving your organization actionable data to help determine where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.

To uncover how your employees really feel and to learn how our employee perception survey can help you KNOW MORE so you can DO MORE, contact Tweed-Weber, Inc. at  toll-free at 1-800-999-6615, email us at mail@tweedweber.com, and/or visit us on the web at www.tweedweber.com. Also, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn (Tweed-Weber, Inc.) and Twitter (@TweedWeber).

* For the full article, click here: www.quirks.com/CorporateResearchReport

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